Katafraktami nazywano ciężką jazdę Partów, polska nazwa wywodzi się z greckiego słowa katafraktos (l.m. katafraktoi), co oznacza dosłownie "zbrojny" lub "całkowicie zamknięty". Katafrakci to pancerni jeźdźcy dosiadający ciężko opancerzonych w zbroję łuskową koni, uzbrojonych w kontos.

Główną bronią był kontos, rodzaj czterometrowej piki kawaleryjskiej, zakończonej ostrzem wykonanym z żelaza, zazwyczaj dzierżonej w obu rękach kawalerzysty. Dodatkowym uzbrojeniem był miecz lub buzdygan, używanych po odrzuceniu złamanego kontosa po wykonaniu szarży.
Figurki firmy Xyston, pomalowane na zamówienie do Impetusa.

A cataphract was a form of armored heavy cavalry used in ancient warfare by Parthians. The word in English is derived from the Greek: kataphraktos (plural: kataphraktoi), literally meaning "armored" or "completely enclosed". Historically, the cataphract was a very heavily armored horseman, with both the rider and steed draped from head to toe in scale armour, while typically wielding a kontos as their weapon.
Cataphracts were almost universally clad in some form of scale armor (Greek: falidotos) that was flexible enough to give the rider and horse a good degree of motion, but strong enough to resist the immense impact of a thunderous charge into infantry formations. Scale armor was made from overlapping, rounded plates of bronze or iron (varying in thickness from four to six millimeters).
The primary weapon was kontos. They were roughly four meters in length, with a capped point made of iron and usually wielded with both hands. Cataphracts would often be equipped with an additional side-arm such as a sword or mace, for use in the melee that often followed a charge.
The figures are Xyston's, painted as comission for Impetus.