wtorek, 27 marca 2012

Moskiewscy rajtarzy / Muscovite reiters

Witam po bardzo długiej przerwie. Ponieważ ostatnio chorowałem, oddział ten malowałem wręcz w ślimaczym tempie. Tylko fantastyczne albumy zespołu Judas Priest "British Steel" oraz "Screaming for Vengeance" dały mi wystarczającego kopa, abym wreszcie zakończył ten etap prac :)

Wróćmy jednak do rzeczy - skończyłem kolejny oddział moskiewski. Tym razem są to rajtarzy, podobnie jak ostatnio malowane figurki, wyszli z warsztatu QR Miniatures. Poprosiłem Pawła Kura (QR to firma jednoosobowa), aby wzbogacił standardowy zestaw rajtarów o kilku oficerów w zachodnim stylu, wszak wiele spośród moskiewskich oddziałów Novogo Stroja było dowodzonych przez niemieckich, szwedzkich czy nawet szkockich instruktorów. Paweł poszedł krok dalej, nie tylko dorzucił mi kapitana i kornecika, ale jeszcze sam zrobił konwersję, aby przygotować dla mnie miodnego trębacza! Tak więc ta bonusowa grupa dowodzenia jest nie tylko nieszablonowa, ale przede wszystkim poprawna historycznie. Bardzo Ci dziękuję Pawle, mam nadzieję, że pomalowane przeze mnie figurki przypadną Ci do gustu!

Hello after a long break. Because I was ill, these minis were painted very slowly. Only fantastic Judas Priest's albums "British Steel" and "Screaming for Vengeance" gave me enough power to finish this stage of army painting :)

Let's return to the point - another Muscovite unit is already done. This time these are the reiters just like last figures made by QR Miniatures workshop. I asked Pawel Kur (QR is a one-man firm) to enrich the standard reitars' set by the western-type commanders, because a lot of Muscovite New Model Army units were lead by German, Swedish or even Scottish mercenary instructors. Pawel added me not only captain and cornette, but have made a fine coversion to prepare a nice trumpeter for me! So the bonus command group is quite unusual but still historical correct. Thanks a lot Pawel, I hope you like these finished minis!

sobota, 17 marca 2012

AAR - The Ides of March

Polską wersję tego raportu możecie przeczytać na Portalu Strategie.

Polish version of this report you can read at Portal Strategie.

Last saturday, 10th march, I have participated with my 8 friends in By Fire and Sword division-level wargame. I want to thank Raleen who played host in the club Agresor, where we have played our battle.

Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth forces have standed against the strong Zaporozhian-Tatar division. Because we had the military supremacy, our enemies had the choice of tactical option. Poles have chose to be the attackers. We were in astonishment, but very satisfied, because Cossacks prefer to fight in defensive formation. On the other hand it was the best option for swift Polish cavalry.

So we have prepared our tabor in defensive formation. Our task was to defend the hill where we put our artillery. Polish task was to capture or destroy these cannons. We have formed the semicircle, our flanks were adjoined to the riversides (that is to say the edges of the table). Our great commander was Czywczyn who commanded the centre. Left wing was commanded by Wrednobrody and right wing by me. Because I did't have the peasant levies, my regiment seemed to be the weakest. We supposed to fight right there. In front of our line there were some abbadoned hovels. We wondered if we could capture these houses. Finally we have decided to keep our forces concentrated. Two units of Tatar cavalry were expected, but we had no idea when they arrive, so we didn't do more than guess when they could arrive.

Polish great commander was Alexandros. His forces were placed in folowing order: in front of my tabor the artillery under the command of Aldlin were placed. On left from the artillery we have seen the noblemen levies commanded by Ragozd. On the right the regiment of mercenary german-style infantry and haiduks had been placed, and after them - the full regiment of reiters. All these units were commanded by Balthasar Tommasson. At the farthest left side we have seen the Polish cossack-style cavalry and Winged Lancers. Alexandros was commander there in person.

The battle has begun! Aldlin's artillery opened fire, the first volley struck my tabor. Third part of my war wagons had been destroyed.

The enemy's infantry started up to capture the hovels in front of us. The reiters and Polish cavalry started the flanking maneuver. Almost the whole hostile division prepared to attack my position. It seemed that my battleforce should be destroyed in one hour.

Then the Orris' Tatars have arrived on my left flank. Alexanros has reacted instantly and all his Polish cavalry attacked our expected allies. He found the Thomasson's forces should be sufficient to destroy my wing.

I desperately wanted to save my tabor and I ordered my cavalry to screen my war wagons. But Czywczyn commanded me to halt my horsemen and his moloitsy started up to take the postions between me and Aldlin's artillery.

Meanwhile at right wing the "Tatar Dance" has started. Polish cavalry attacked the Tatars, but they evaded and shot their arrows. At this moment second Tatar battleforce commanded by Cichy has approached. Poles had a serious situation there, because they were attacked by two Tatar hordes in one time.

In that situation Ragozd's Polish noblemen started up to support their countrymen. But the artillery's flank was revealed.

The infantrymen captured the cottages and the reiters have achieved the fine positions to start the charge or the caracole.

Meantime Czywczyn's moloitsy were massacred by Aldlin's artillery. My cavalry started up to save my general's brave soldiers.

Unprotected artillery was in sight. Czywczyn ordered his cavalry to attack the cannons and Wrendobrody's wagon train started the march against the enemy.

In that moment the reiters have reached the point in my war wagon artillery's range. I took a look at Tatars wing and I saw uncommon sight - disordered hussars and Polish cossacks covered by fire from the three sides.

With the courage in my heart I have opened the fire. Some of reires had been killed and whole squadron has started to withdraw. The second line was disorderded by pulled back reiters!

I have orderded my cavalry to join the Czywczyn's charge against the artillery, but he has done it quickly. The artillerymen have been overkilled. Our cavalrymen had no time to dismount and capture the guns, because Germans and haiduks counterattacked. All our united cavalry charged against Tommasson's infantry and they started to flee. We have overan and slaughtered them!

Meanwhile my guns decimated the whole companies of reiters. Almost the whole regimet fell in panic and started to retreat.

The setting sun reddened the western sky. Polish division was unable to meet the victory conditions. It was our day!

W achieved the victory thank to effort of Cichy and Orris. Their Tatars engaged the whole Polish cavalry. In effect Ragozd was forced to help them and left artillery's flank unprotected. Czywczyn and Wrednobrody with a little help of my cavalry didn't miss an opportunity to charge. My task was to retain the position and protect our artilery. I was succeed thank to panic spreaded after my rapid fire. I had sufficient firepower thank to Czywczyn's moloitsy who screened my war wagons with heavy casualties.

I'm very satisfied with today's wargame, not only for our victory, but because we had a lot of fun. I'm proud of our Cossack team (CzywczynWrednobrodyYori) for our peferct coordination and I want to thank Tatar team (Cichy-Orris) for their support. This is a great thing to play with these mates in one team.

And I also want to thank our opponents. We have a date for return game. I wish Alexandros he would create the close team. Let them win a battle by cooperation.

sobota, 10 marca 2012

Duża bitwa / The big battle

Dziś wziąłem udział w dużej bitwie w Ogniem i Mieczem. Siły Rzeczypospolitej starły się z wojskami sojuszu zaporosko-tatarskiego. Aż dziewięciu dowódców spotkało się na polu bitwy. Oto generałowie Rzeczypospolitej: Alexandros - głównodowodzący, Aldlin - starszy nad armatą, Ragozd - wódz wolontariuszy oraz Balthasar Tommasson - kapitan rajtarów. Siły tatarskie były prowadzone przez Cichego i Orrisa. Czywczyn był hetmanem sił kozacko-tatarskich, Wrednobrody stanął na czele lewego, ja zaś prawego skrzydła. Graliśmy w klubie Agresor. Pragnę w tym miejscu podziękować Raleenowi z Portalu Strategie, który pełnił honory gospodarza.

To była największa bitwa w jakiej wziąłem udział. Ponieważ lecę z nóg, pozwólcie mi skreślić jedynie te kilka słów: Wygraliśmy! Moim zdaniem największy wkład w zwycięstwo mieli dowódcy tatarscy. Rzućcie okiem na te kilka zdjęć, aby wyrobić sobie pojęcie jak duża była to batalia. Na razie!

Today I have paticipated in big By Fire and Sword battle. Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth forces clashed with Zaporozhian-Tatar alliance. As many as the nine commanders met together on the battleground. These are the Polish-Lithuanian generals: Alexandros - great commander, Aldlin - artillery general, Ragozd - commander of noble levies and Balthasar Tommasson - captain of the reiters. Tatar forces were commanded by Cichy and Orris. Czywczyn was great commander of Cossack-Tatar forces, Wrednobrody was commander of the left and I took command of the right wing. We have played in wargaming club Agresor. I want to thank Raleen from Portal Strategie who played host in the club.

It was the greatest battle I have ever played. Because I'm very tired so please allow me to say only few words: We won! IMHO Tatar commanders made a great contribution to our victory. Please take a look at some photos to understand how big this battle was. Cheers!

niedziela, 4 marca 2012

Strzelcy moskiewscy / Muscovite Streltsi

Skończyłem oddział Strzelców moskiewskich - jeden z najsłynniejszych rosyjskich oddziałów w XVII wieku. Pomalowałem go w barwach 7-go pułku. Wszystkie strzeleckie prikazy miały swoją własną barwę uniformów, zazwyczaj identyczną z barwą sztandarów. Malując ten oddział korzystałem z rosyjskich opracowań zamieszczonych w magazynach "Sierżant" i "Cekhauz". Są bardziej precyzyjne i rzetelne, niż wszystkie zachodnie materiały razem wzięte z Ospreyem na czele. Znajomość języka rosyjskiego była jednak niezbędna. Okazało się, że lata przymusowej nauki języka i kultury rosyjskiej w szkole i w liceum na coś się przydały :)

Wszystkie figurki są produkcji QR Miniatures. Trzy różne zestawy oraz system wymiennych głów stworzyły odpowiednie zróżnicowanie. Pułk jest dedykowany do gier w systemie Field of Glory Renaissance oraz będzie przydatny w grach towarzyskich w Ogniem i Mieczem na szczeblu dywizji.

I have finished a unit of Muscovite Streltsi - one of the most famous Russian professional soldiers in 17th century. They are painted in colours of 7th regiment. All Streltsi regiments had diffrent colours of uniforms, usually the same as banners. All painting tips I have found in russian historical studies published in "Sergeant" and "Zeughaus" magazines. These are more exact and reliable than all materials printed in western publications such as Osprey. The knowledge of Russian language was necessary. The years of compulsory education of Russian language and culture in my childhood have brought benefits to me :)

All minis are made by QR Miniatures. Three diffrent sets of Streltsi and system of exchangeable heads make a lot of combinations. The regiment is dedicated for Field of Glory Renaissance and By Fire And Sword non-tournament games.