Galeria: Muszkieterzy z Nuln. Strażnik miejski II, stronnik.Gallery:
Musketeers of Nuln. City guard II, henchman.
*Początkowo obowiązek utrzymania porządku w mieście spoczywał na władzach
cywilnych, które w tym celu korzystały z oddziałów straży i gwardii
miejskiej. ...
2 godziny temu
9 komentarzy:
wow nice set. Love the atmosphere
That's right. Bartek was making very good pics. I'm glad you like them :)
Very impressive, once again well done.
Thanks a lot Paul :)
Soon I'll start to paint some modern 1/72 figures. I hope I'll use them again with the same guys who made these fantastic sceneries. So stay tuned :)
Absolutlely superb Yori. How about a write-up?
Thanks! Q.B. was declaring to make a write-up of this event on his blog. So I decided to leave that to him.
I think we have to wait, he writes a lovely AAR's. His blog is here:
Bloody hell ! If only I could refresh my memory... The game was so dynamic and full of funny episodes... Yori - I'm giving You the "green light" to write something about each scenario :) I only remember we played 2 games - and a positive hero of the first game - Jack from Czerniakow (that brown suite smart-ass in a hat, looking like an al-capone style gang member :D)
Gosh: Polish Home Army uprising 1944
The figures and scenery are excellent
The conflict/battle was staggering in its brutality. Reading Churchill's account on the affair you can task the tangible grief he felt over the affair.
Respect to all
I hope you'll like our next project: The four battles of Monte Cassino.
Thanks for you comment.
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