Galeria: Muszkieterzy z Nuln. Strażnik miejski II, stronnik.Gallery:
Musketeers of Nuln. City guard II, henchman.
*Początkowo obowiązek utrzymania porządku w mieście spoczywał na władzach
cywilnych, które w tym celu korzystały z oddziałów straży i gwardii
miejskiej. ...
16 minut temu
10 komentarzy:
Great pictures! Looking forward to running a mini demo of the rules for my two friends who have ordered Swedish boxed sets next weekend. Also managed to raise the interest of a few local Flames of War players which all became excited about the prospect of playing Swedes LOL!
Will have to manipulate them into buying some other armies or else it will be mine Polish Lithuanian army alone up against 4-6 Swedish armies haha!
They are all eagerly awaiting the English version of the rules. I think this game will be a hit up here in Sweden once that happens.
Manipulate few ladz into RON. Why? Polish troops supporting Carolus Gustavus, armies supported with mercenary infantry, guns etc. RON can look like Sweden forces with bettter cavalry :) RON can be swedish forces.
Brakuje zdkwcia calego stolu. Bitwa wygląda, mimo pirazki, na wyjątkowo ciekawa. Zazdrosnym
Ślicznie, krwawo
i nasi wygrali :>
Beautiful figures, beautiful painting!!!
They are 15mm? Beautiful pictures, lovely painting.
Better luck next time for the Cossacks!
very nice pictures. Excellent when sipping a good cup of coffee. Thanks
Anatoli, this battle was based on FoG Renaissance rules.
These armies are more flexible and they can be used in many different wargaming renaissance systems like DBR, FoGR and OiM too.
Bardzo udana niedziela to była, żałuję tylko, że nie miałem okazji zerkać częściej na waszą zawziętą rozgrywkę.:-(
Thanks lads. I'm glad to see you like these pictures :)
Nice pictures and good to see so many at a time, nice.
Congratulations for your Figoblogotheque award for best non UK or Fr blog. Well deserved mate!
Thanks a lot Hendrid :)
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