niedziela, 15 grudnia 2013

Lekkozbrojni z Redoubta / Lights from Redoubt

Pomalowałem kolejną trójkę lekkiej piechoty z 80-tego regimentu. Tym razem figurki są z Redoubt Enterprises. Byłem nieco zaniepokojony kupując je w ciemno, ale po otwarciu blistrów odetchnąłem z ulgą. Całkiem nieźle prezentują się w towarzystwie figurek z Northstara i Conquesta, choć mają bardziej barczystą i masywną posturę. Niestety kompletnie nie pasują do figurek Perry (ich figsy są zbyt drobne), ale generalnie jestem bardzo zadowolony z zakupu.

I have painted another three light infantrymen from 80th regiment. This time the minis are from Redoubt Enterprises. I was a little disturbed, because I have never seen Redoubt figures before. They mix well with Northstar and Conquest, although the soldiers are more stout and massive. Sadly they doesn't quite fit with Perry Miniatures (their minis are too small), but generally I'm very satisfied with the purchasing.

3 komentarze:

  1. Very nice miniatures! My friends and me were inspired from the 15mm m&t-table on the salute. So we paint and play musket and tomahawk with 15mm. And it works fine!

  2. I saw your 15 mm M&T miniatures. They're very nice and the project looks very interesting. Keep workin' mate :)

  3. Hi yori!
    Thanks! I will do. Next parts of the project will be my indians-unit and a french marine unit. And the militia blockhouse grom 4ground. I love these buildings from the guys. :-)
