czwartek, 31 marca 2011

Fallschirm sprawdza pole walki / Fallschirm inspect the battlefield

Pierwszy oddział niemieckich spadochroniarzy zajął obronne pozycje na Monte Cassino. Te ładnie pomalowane figurki firmy Italeri należą do Stemira - najbardziej szacownego członka naszej grupy. Ponad pół wieku jego doświadczeń z historią, modelarstwem i grami bitewnymi napełnia nas podziwem i szacunkiem. Wkrótce będziemy mogli rozpocząć beta testy scenariuszy do naszych rozgrywek.

First unit of Fallschirmjaeger arrived to defend the positions at Monte Cassino. The nicely painted Italeri's miniatures belong to Stemir - the most notable member of our group. His over half century of experience with history, modeling and wargaming fills us with awe and respect. Soon we could start the beta tests of our wargame scenarios.

7 komentarzy:

  1. They look good.

    I'm looking forward to seeing more pictures of the battlefield.

  2. They look good, one of my favourite WW2 units.

  3. Nice paintjob! They look way better than my mass painted fallschirmjaeger! Absolutly stunning.

  4. Zajebiści. Szacun. A+


  5. Great work as usual Yori, how well would these mix with other paratroop figures, say Esci or Revell?

  6. They are higher than other Fallschirm figures but still mix together very well. Please remember that people can be divided into two categories: tall or low :)

    In the name of Stemir - thanks for your all positive comments. I think he will be very delighted with your honest oppinions :)
